Career Opportunities
Grow with us
NZ Hothouse is a horticultural industry leader and permanently employs approximately 300 staff in growing, packing, and business management roles.
New and existing employees have opportunities to develop their interests and strengths into different activities and roles within the business.
NZ Hothouse started 35 years ago as one-man growing operation, packing fruit and sending it off to wholesale markets. The company has expanded to 18.5 hectares of high technology glasshouses, where skilled teams grow, pack and distribute fresh, healthy produce throughout New Zealand.
Are you a talented and enthusiastic individual that would like to become part of our team?
We regularly require staff with varying skill and experience levels, offering ongoing opportunities for you to grow within the business.
Company Values
Hard work

We believe the harder we work, the luckier we get!


Honest work is very important to us. Trust and honesty are the foundational pieces to a great business. 


Being able to adapt with change as we grow with the moving times 

Quality work

We pride ourselves on quality, tasty, fresh produce for our customers to enjoy.


Be the person you want to be around, energy creates energy


Showing up on time ready to work. We need a team we can count on to get the job done.

Available Careers
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Currently, we don't have any available jobs. Please make sure to check back regularly for any updates. We appreciate your interest and hope to have opportunities for you in the future.